For Agencies

Fit the budget.
Create partnerships.

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Simplifying the events and sports teams business

Every marketer is under the gun to break through and it's getting harder. You need to be able to track your client's campaigns and build a portfolio of partnerships that meet your client's goals.

Wouldn't it be great if you could find, manage and track partnerships all in one place?

Get Started

Find the vendors and sponsors to support your clients and programming through these simple steps:

1. Set up client profiles

Sign up and indicate that you represent multiple organizations. A tailored guide will help you create profiles for each of your clients, whether they are seeking sponsorship or looking to reach a specific audience. 

When your client’s profile is finished, they can be found by other users who are looking for new partnerships. 

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2. Find partners for your clients

Once you have set up your profile set up a time to talk to us to ensure you are properly set up.

From there, we help you find partners that align with your client’s goals. 

When your client is an event or future brand ambassador, you can find brands that are looking for your client’s target audience. 

When your client is a brand, you can use our platform to analyze event audience data to select the best opportunities to ensure the best results for your client. 


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3. Manage profile and outreach

As an ad agency, we understand there are a lot of projects to keep track of. We enable you to create profiles for each of your clients so you can keep track of all sponsor deals in one place. Our dashboard enables you to track campaign results across social media as well!

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4. Achieve strategy goals

We work with agencies to build results tracking into the campaign strategy. This helps to ensure that proper ROI is achieve and the you and your clients are satisfied. 

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